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September 2014 Archives

Michigan alternatives to employment litigation

There are various types of laws meant to protect people from wrongdoing. Employment law is a growing legal field, wherein employees are protected in a sense from employer actions. Some of the topics that employment law covers have to do with age discrimination, fair labor standards and civil rights in the workplace, as well as Title VII issues, which prohibits discrimination at work based on sex, race and religion. Many of these issues can become quite complex and intricate and often take time to resolve. As a result, often times the employee is working throughout the process. There are cases, however, where this may not be appropriate.

Contractual dispute with Michigan landowners ends up in court

Contracts are pretty commonplace this day and age. People are free to make contracts amongst themselves as long as they are legal and the parties entering into the contractual relationship are doing so freely and of their own accord. Illegal contracts are void and cannot be enforced by a court of law. So when a contractual relationship exists between the parties, each party is responsible for their part of the contract. For instance, if a contract for services comes into being, then the party providing the services has to do so and the party paying for the services must pay once services have been rendered. This is an example of a contractual relationship.

A better understanding of ERISA for Detroit employers

Detroit employers may have heard of the federal law called ERISA but may not fully understand what it is about. The Employment Retirement Income Security Act was enacted in 1974. ERISA was intended to protect employees with respect to their benefit plans, specifically concerning the disclosure of financial information, standards of conduct, and allowing access to the courts where appropriate. It is important to note that ERISA does not provide insurance plans for employees; rather it regulates how the plans are handled. The employer provides the retirement package but ERISA oversees the process as a whole.

What does a certificate of merger include in Michigan?

After two domestic businesses decide that they want to merge in Michigan, the process has to be approved. Once the approval officially goes through, a certificate than has to be created, which is known as a certificate of merger. Knowing what this will include is important to business owners on both sides of the equation.

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