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July 2015 Archives

What duties do directors and officers owe to a corporation?

Many Detroit residents have a number of close relationships with others, whether it be in a marriage, relationships with family and friends or in the business world. These relationships are important to all involved, and they can raise serious legal issues as well when the relationship goes awry.

Michigan woman, contractor spar over home contract

Detroit residents make agreements with one another multiple times each day. Whether it is deciding what to eat for dinner at home or making a deal in the office, individuals are more well-equipped to compromise and reach an agreement than they might realize. Of course, the higher the stakes involved in the agreement, the more important it may be to ensure a person has protected himself or herself in the agreement.

What legal claims can be made for sexual harassment?

When Detroit residents have a goal in mind, there are often many different roads that may be taken in order to reach the same goal. This is true in the legal system as well, as different legal claims exist depending on the circumstances involved in each case. In any event, while the legal claim itself may differ from situation to situation, the ultimate goal of the person who has been harmed is to obtain accountability and relief from the other side.

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