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Breach of contract claim filed against famed commercial actor

Disputes can arise between business partners and other parties. Legal disputes frequently originate after business relationships sour or projects fall apart. This is not always how it works, however, as disputes can arise even when things are going well.

For instance, the actor who plays the "Most Interesting Man in the World" in Dos Equis beer ads was recently sued by a former talent agency he worked with. The actor and the talent agency reportedly had a deal together where the actor paid commissions on the money he made from the ads. However, the actor recently stopped paying the 10 percent commission because he thought he had paid enough, which resulted in the talent agency filing a lawsuit against the actor for breach of contract.

It remains to be seen how the case will be resolved. However, the matter is similar to other contract disputes where parties have differences of opinion as to the requirements under a particular contract. These differences call into question the basic principles of contract law, which lays down certain rules as to how the language of a contract is to be interpreted.

Typically, courts examine the plain language of the contract first when the parties have differences as to what was intended. This means that oral agreements might not be given effect if the written word says something different, although there are always exceptions that might apply. Even within the plain language, however, there can be differences or ambiguities that can arise, with hundreds of thousands of dollars possibly hanging in the balance depending on how a contract is interpreted. Accordingly, individuals should have a solid grasp on the rules of contract interpretation and how courts approach contract disputes in order to fully understand the situation and put themselves in the best possible position to succeed in the dispute.

Source: USA Today, "Lawsuit: 'Most Interesting Man' is 'least honorable'," Oct. 4, 2015

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