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February 2016 Archives

When contracts are disputed, are your interests protected?

When Michigan residents make agreements with one another, it is often thought that reducing the agreement to writing will protect the person from future disputes. While it certainly is a good idea to have a written contract executed, particularly for significant transactions, a written contract alone will not prevent all future disputes.

How is a contract interpreted by the court?

In the legal system, as in life, everyone is expected to play by the rules. There are a number of different kinds of rules that govern a legal dispute between Michigan residents, including rules about the procedure of the case, rules that determine what evidence is or is not admissible and rules that apply to the court process itself.

Steps for starting a business

Starting a business can be an exciting and challenging opportunity for many individuals with the dream of starting their own business. The process of starting a business involves many key considerations. A new business start-up requires planning and financial and legal considerations. Carefully understanding the requirements involved in starting a new business and carefully planning can help set your business up for success.

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30833 Northwestern Hwy.
Farmington Hills, MI 48334

Phone: 248-626-5000

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