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Do you need assistance with a new business start-up?

There are few things more rewarding, and challenging, than starting a new business. Whether Michigan residents are seeking to realize a life-long dream of having their own business, or simply starting another new venture, the process of starting a new business is unlike any other.

Recently, this blog has discussed how crucial it is for individuals to engage in proper planning for the new business start-up. There are several different steps that must be taken both before and after the business commences operations.

For instance, individuals must choose the right business structure for their business in order to avoid negative legal and tax consequences. They must also file for and obtain all necessary registration and permit forms. When real property transactions are involved, such as when a business seeks to lease out or purchase a piece of property, there are a host of additional issues involved in making sure the transaction proceeds on track.

As with any situation, the right answers to these questions will turn on the particular circumstances involved. What works well for one business may not work for another, so it is vital that individuals understand how to achieve success in their individual cases.

Our firm has significant experience in helping our clients satisfy their business planning needs. We work closely with our clients to understand their particular needs, and we utilize our legal expertise to set our clients' plans in motion and get the new business off the ground as soon as possible. For more information on our firm's services, please visit our business planning webpage.

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